We have motored past the half way point of the term with a very welcome long weekend for Labour Day, I sincerely hope that you enjoyed some extra family time. Just a reminder this is only a 9 week term with students finishing up for Easter on Thursday 28 March.
Awesome Evening
The Awesome Evening is back and will be better than ever! This is one of our major community events and will include classroom stalls, P&C fundraisers, sausage sizzle, dunk tank and a disco. This year’s Awesome Evening will be held on Thursday 21 March from 5pm-7pm. We will be advertising over the next two weeks.
P&C AGM and Meeting
We held our first P&C meeting and AGM on 27 February. It was pleasing to see so many new faces as well as our returning members. At the conclusion of the AGM we elected a new President and Vice President. I’m pleased to announce Ms Naomi Freeth is our new President and Ms Jamie Trees is our new Vice President. They will join Tina Witheridge and Sandra Brown who have both returned as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. This is fantastic news for our P&C. I want to acknowledge the brilliant leadership of our outgoing President Susan Smith and Vice President Annette Macek. It is pleasing to see you both staying on the P&C and continuing to contribute to our school.
This week our Year 3 & 5 students will begin completing the first of their NAPLAN tests for 2024. Whilst this data is extremely important for whole school planning, we encourage students to just do their best and have a go. We don’t want to add extra pressure to students who may already be anxious, so we ensure the testing period is stress-free as possible.
Pre Kindy Now Open
Our new Pre-Kindy service is now operating with a great turnout of families joining us for some fun and the opportunity to get to know some new friends. We are excited to offer this exciting opportunity for our community. It is our aim to provide our next generation of students with a taste of school life. Please email Samantha.higgins3@education.wa.edu.au for more information.
KPS School Board
The KPS School Board is our governing body that is made up of parents, staff and community members. The Board meets 1-2 times a term to discuss various aspects of the school including academic data, school approaches and our Business Plan. The Board Chair is Mr Daniel Attewell who often liaises with the parents on the Board. We will have some vacancies that arise this year that you may be interested in. If you would like any further information please email me at Jason.bushe-jones@education.wa.edu.au.
Playgroup at KPS
Our playgroup service is operating in the OSH building. This initiative aims to bring our youngest community members into our school to make some new friends and enjoy playing together. It is also an opportunity for parents/carers to meet some new families in a casual and friendly environment. Children aged 0-5 are welcome to attend. Please email Samantha.higgins3@education.wa.edu.au for more information.
New OHSC – Their Care
Our new out of hours school care provider has started operating onsite at KPS. It is a great opportunity for your children to have a structured day care experience without having to leave the school grounds. Please contact them directly with them for more information on1300 072 410 or infor@theircare.com.au